Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Posting of Select Prayers

In the words of a friend of mine, "Prayers are one of the main tools we use when confronted with the fear and theatrics of the demonic. Prayer, particularly prayer in these situations, needs to be more than words. You need to think about the meaning of the words you are saying, visualize what they imply, say them slowly and with conviction, pray with all your heart and will."

Saint Michael Prayer:
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protector against the wickedness and snares of the Devil; may God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Same Prayer in Latin:
Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.

Our Father:
OUR FATHER, Who art in heaven hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Same Prayer in Latin:
PATER NOSTER, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen.

Hail Mary:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus; Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray fro us sinners now and at the time of our death. Amen.

Fatima Prayer:
Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Help especially those most in need of thy mercy. Amen.

Glory Be:
Glory be unto the Father, unto the Son, and unto the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Other Prayers:
You are a God that reveals secrets.  Lord, reveal your secrets unto me. (Daniel 2:28)

I bind and cast out any spirit that would try to tear apart my life in any manner in the Name of Jesus.  (Mark 9:20)

I loose myself from every bond of Satan in the name of Jesus. (Luke 13:16)

Give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, and let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened. (Ephesians 1:17)

Let your glory be revealed in my life. (Isaiah 40:5)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Demonology: Wearing a Collar to Provoke Not Wise

It has come to my attention recently that some people, even demonologists, attempt to provoke demons by wearing a clerical collar. I'd like to address that subject and provide my insight into that "practice." As far as using provocation itself, I'd like to point out that one does not have to "provoke" the demon by yelling, screaming or directly addressing them. From the standpoint of Roman Catholicism, laity are not supposed to directly address demons to begin with. Not even in the official rite of exorcism are mandated exorcist to carry on a dialogue with a demon. They are allowed to ask certain questions, but even then demand their answers in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  

The idea of having to "provoke" demons in order for them to manifest is somewhat misleading. This is because one of the clearest signs of demonic attachment is the aversion to the sacred. This is why the Rite calls for the exorcism to take place in the Church, because the Church is a holy space, and this will cause the demons, if present, great pain. Other sacred objects, including the presence of the mandated exorcist himself - who has been given authority by the Bishop - brings to bear the entire weight of the holy Church onto the situation. Holy water, the sign of the cross, crucifixes, and exsufflation (breathing onto the afflicted person) all can cause the demon to manifest. For laity, most of these things are available when we pray over someone. One does not need a collar in order to provoke. It is also silly to think that a demon would not know you are an imposter anyway.

Simply put, I think the use of a clerical collar as stated above is a very foolish and unwise gesture. To me, it is an issue of both identity and humility. Using a clerical collar when one is not a cleric or a priest is, on the face of it, dishonest. It is simply not who you are. To those who use a collar in order to do this I would ask, "Why are you pretending to be someone you are not? Do you not think the demon knows who you really are and that you are not an ordained priest or clergy?" How foolish, unprofessional and immoral. It's also quite dangerous. That is tantamount to going to a gunfight with a water pistol. In doing such a thing, you are guilty of impersonating something that you are not. That is, of course, not a very righteous or moral position to be in when confronting a demon, to be lying about who you are to something as unholy as a demon. Properly ordained priests and clergy have been called by God and gone through years of training and organizational processes of vetting, including sacred Rites of Ordination, in order to earn that distinction.

People who simply purchase a collar and put it on are therefore impostors of the worst kind, just as one would be if he or she were just a citizen but donned a police uniform and pinned on a badge and went around attempting to arrest bad guys! Such people never went through the vetting process of applying to be an officer with all the background, psychological testing and criminal checks, and then going through physical and medical exams, an interview process, and then the brutal law enforcement academy. Then, they raise their right hand and swear an oath and literally become held by law to a higher standard than the average citizen! The analogy is the same for ordained clergy and priests who wear the collar, and then someone comes along and just purchases the thing and straps it on? No. That is morally abhorrent and is as wrong as wrong can be. Those who do this should be exposed as the frauds and unprofessionals they are. Holy orders are holy orders - the efficacy of the office isn't in the collar, it is in the laying on of hands and the actual naming of that priest into that order. This is why so many Catholic Sacraments have a naming within them - even in infant baptism the Priest asks the parents what name the child has been given. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, there are the preparatory rites within the RCIA process of taking on a name, and signing one's name into the official Church registry. To usurp or circumvent this by simply putting on a collar is a mockery, and could actually cause demonic attack on the fraudulent person.

In both instances of a law enforcement officer being sworn in and a Priest receiving his office, it is the man wearing the uniform, or in this case the collar, not the collar itself, that is relevant. A demon is going to be focused on the person and his genuine office (power and authority). It is his character and spiritual vitality and how tied in they are with Jesus Christ that is vital. Demons fear and respect who they are dealing with as per how they are grafted into Christ, not a simple piece of stiff fabric around one's neck no matter how white. It is the "whiteness" of one's soul, not the whiteness and presence of a collar that is important. This whiteness is not the person's own righteousness, but how much they allow the Holy Spirit in and through Christ to operate in their life. The righteous person's identity is firmly rooted and based in Christ and therefore they have an identity that is powerful because of Christ in them (John 15). They are honest and humble before God in who they are as a human - recognizing God's place and worshipping Him, and knowing who they are within God's created order. So, this is what I call the identity problem with such a practice. The core approach to demons must be Christological in nature, not based on humans. The identity is being borrowed, even stolen - it is not their own. It is not genuine. For scriptural support I cite Acts 19:13-16 as what can happen if you assume to be who you are not: 

Some Jews who went around driving out evil spirits tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who were demon-possessed. They would say, “In the name of the Jesus whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out.” Seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, were doing this. One day the evil spirit answered them, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?” Then the man who had the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. He gave them such a beating that they ran out of the house naked and bleeding.

The second problem I have with this, is the lack of humility, in that the person doing this is focused upon himself rather than in the power and strength of the Lord. It is closely related to the problem of identity, but involves, I believe, a bit too much pride and self-focus on behalf of the demonologist. By putting on a collar and attempting to provoke, a person is basically saying, "I am a man of God and I want you to come out from hiding and show yourself to me." In contrast to this, look at what even the Archangel Michael said to Satan in Jude 1:9-11:

But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not himself dare to condemn him for slander but said, “The Lord rebuke you!” Yet these people slander whatever they do not understand, and the very things they do understand by instinct—as irrational animals do—will destroy them. Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam’s error; they have been destroyed in Korah’s rebellion.

Scripture seems to very clearly condemn those who take authority in their own hands and not give it to the proper Beings who have real authority. The passage above also seems to clearly condemn those who slander what they do not understand - in this case with foolish demonologists who don't respect the power of fallen angels, but angels nevertheless (they still retain their nature and power as angels). Being humble and knowing one's proper position and giving proper respect to those who are over you, is the heart attitude that God is looking very closely at. The prideful position of wearing a collar that you have not earned and attempting to take upon yourself a position of authority that you do not have is prideful, arrogant, and extremely foolish and dangerous.

It would seem to me the wise thing would be to use sacramentals, such as holy water, blessed oil, the sign of the cross, crucifixes, scripture, prayer, and the Rites as means of drawing out and exposing the demons - all done in the Name of Jesus Christ and the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - rather than putting on a collar that one has not properly earned, and being focused on the "me" rather than Almighty God as the source of authority that makes the demons eventually expose themselves. Certainly, priests and clergy who have earned the collar may wear them, that is their right and even duty. Those of us who are truly Christian demonologists must remember our proper role, that of humbly aiding and supporting the Church as a whole and just doing our part in the ongoing spiritual war that is raging all around us. Our role and mission is diagnostic in nature - we are there to find out what is there, and if something paranormal, or preternatural is there, then do our best to find out who, but it must be done properly, and with a full, cogent understanding of our true identity and done in true humility, not in false identity and with overblown sense of self.

Yes, sometimes (in minor cases) we can deal with the demonic properly, but my own position is to not be a lone ranger even in minor cases if possible, and to call in a priest or clergy and together, deal with a solution to clearing, exorcising, and binding the demon. To my way of thinking, it is the Church calling upon Jesus Christ that must deal with the dark powers...not lone rangers posing as clergy. The Church, properly understood, is those followers of Christ who are individually gifted with specific roles to play within the mission of God, who come together to accomplish and advance His kingdom. Indeed, 1 Peter 5:5 reads, "In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Wizard Behind the Curtain, This One IS Real...

This summer has been rather eventful, with the great flood causing major problems; working two jobs; one of my Deputy Partners being shot in a bank robbery (he's fine and shot the suspect) - but which caused me to have to lead the shift; a close friend of the family who is very sick and does not have long to live; and my daughter coming down for a month to visit. This hasn't left much time at all for paranormal investigations or even writing. However, something happened the other day that I feel I must say a  word about, and that is the tragedy of the bombing and shootings near Oslo, Norway. I'd like to comment on what I believe has been taking place the last few years, behind the scenes of what is being played out in human affairs around the globe. For those of us who believe as Christians in the spiritual world and that this spiritual world does influence our own material world, the topic I speak of is indeed very relevant to paranormal activity - specifically demonic paranormal activity, which I believe is on the increase. However, in many instances, it is masking (hiding), pretending to be something other than what it truly is.

From 1995 - 1998, I was a student in Seminary taking various theology and philosophy courses on the way to my master's degree and, among other things, learning about post-modernity. Post-modernity is the major shift in world view taking place in our time, in which culture and society (which is all of us) are moving away from Modernity.  This is a major, profound event in our lifetime, on the same scale as the shift from the Middle Ages and the Romantic agricultural period of human development to the Renaissance and the Industrial Age. A bit of background and context might be helpful here.

The 20th Century, 1901-2000, saw the maturation of the rise of Modernity and what I believe to be a major strategy on the part of Satanic forces: the clash of the "isms" of ideological/political movements around the world. Examples?  How about just a few: last century, there unfolded the wars between competing world forces of huge political ideologies (or "isms") such as Imperialism (Japan), Nazism (Germany), National Socialism (Italy and Germany), Communism (Russia & Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Central America), Socialism (Spain & Europe) and Capitalism & Democracy (United States, Canada, Britain, Australia & New Zealand) which warred with one another and competed for dominance.

I believe behind some of these isms was Satan and his attempts to influence world affairs.  How else can one view the pure evil of Nazism, the butchery of Japanese Imperialism, and the evil empire of Communism that we warred against for much of that century? To be sure, the political warring during the age of Modernity is just one of Modernity's characteristics (actually more of a symptom than a characteristic), and the reader would be well advised to learn the basics of both Modernity and Post-modernity. However, it would be a grave mistake not to see the wizard behind the scene attempting to shape and influence these events and worldviews. His strategy of pitting political ideologies against one another succeeded very well. His strategy resulted in two major world wars and many other conflicts around the globe which resulted in hundreds of millions of deaths, horrific atrocities, and untold human suffering. It also resulted in disillusionment and a deep, profound sense of hopelessness...that we humans are all alone...that we have no destiny. Satan, through Modernity and the rise of science, destroyed belief in God, promoted hedonism and materialsim as salves to the wounds and despair, and offered up evolution as the only way to "explain" how we humans got here in the first place. It only took a little more than half of the century before man declared, "God is Dead." Evil was behind these events, pushing it, prodding it along, and influencing the humans that chose to follow it. A careful examination of the conflict between Nazi Germany and Communist Russia alone reveals evil turned upon evil which resulted in terrible human suffering and death. I firmly believe that while humans certainly bear responsibility in those crimes and brutality, it is clear to me that Satan was influencing and orchestrating it. As to the broader strategy of Modernity, while still ongoing in many ways, it has given way to a new plan added on top of the remnants of the old one.  

Satan's newly focused and prized strategy is different.  The age of Modernity, which is said to still be going on in certain ways with its philosophical and cultural momentum not yet fully wound down, symbolically ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the total collapse of European communism by the end of 1991. I arrived in Russia in January of 1993 and lived & worked there for more than two years, with many follow-up trips in the years since. My first child was born in Moscow. I had also served in the U.S. Army in West Germany from 1984 to early 1986, patrolling the border with Czechoslovakia. I know a bit about what I speak. 

This new danger has arisen to take modernity's place. It is not the purpose of this brief article to go into all the characteristics of Post-Modernity, but suffice it to say that I said back in 1995 that what I saw for the coming century (the 21st) was a shift from the political warring of the last century to a shift to religious wars and religious ideology for the next century. This shift from wars of political nature to wars of a religious nature is a new satanic strategy. More precisely, the concept is not new (he's used it before), but never on the scale of what we are seeing today. Where the last century saw wars of political ideology, the next few decades will be wars of religious ideology.

Indeed we have already seen this prediction coming true with the rise of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and our war against radical Islamic terrorism in its many forms, including the Taliban, Iran and Hamas, and Hezzbollah. The latest versions are al-shabaab and the rise of the Arab Spring. [The Arab Spring, while certainly potentially positive, also is a concern that in the distabilization radical Islamic Fundamentalists will rush in and fill the vacuum. Egypt, for example, is a huge concern in this respect.] The rise of religious wars would, I predicted, emerge as the global threat, and this is exactly what is happening. I predicted this on the basis of it being a shift in Satan's strategy. No, it is not that I am some genius. Many who make it part of their lives to try understand what is really going on in the events of our time, have active prayer lives, and attempt to "see" through eternal rather than temporal eyes, can sometimes get a picture of reality that reveals much of what is truly happening. The truth is revealed to those who have eyes to see and ears to listen to the Spirit of truth. That is actually the major portion of what prophecy is. Many think prophecy is future-telling, which is a minor part of prophecy. Most prophecy is fore-telling, which is simply accurately telling it the way it truly is, and being brave and bold enough to say it (despite being called a lunatic or being viewed as such). I don't consider myself some sort of prophet, but I can see the obvious. You can too.  Look at the evidence.

Lately, with the news from Oslo, I believe we are seeing the next micro step in this continued strategy, in what lies behind the curtain in the recent Norway bombing and shootings. There has been widespread press the last several days in the New York Times and the Washington Post (among many others) about how the bomber, Anders Breivik, is a right wing Christian fundamentalist, that he acted out of hatred for Muslims, and acted in the name of God, seeing himself as a Knight Templar. This young man wrote a 1,500 page manifesto which bears the red cross of the Knight's Templar. Apparently he saw himself as God's soldier. This is perfectly in line with Satanic strategy that I perceived so long ago - as now Satan is having evil people conduct heinous acts in the name of being a Christian. This understanding of what is happening, this glimpse behind the curtain, is being seen by a few who have their ears and eyes tuned to perceive where the enemy might strike next in a strategic sense, but the masses don't get it. There are also reports coming out of Mexico of a vicious Mexican drug gang that is calling itself the Knights Templar - killing and selling drugs in the name of God. There will be more in the coming days, months and years. Stay tuned.

A strategy whereby Satan can wreak havoc by using and misguiding people who are "Christian" in name but certainly not in reality, could (and will because many are fooled) strike a huge blow to the Church and the cause of true Christianity by totally discrediting it in the eyes of ordinary people who do not understand the subtleties of the ongoing cosmic war between Good and Evil. Such people are duped by this strategy and fall for it, coming away from news reports of such things with a negative view of God, the Church, and Christians. What better way to make it seem like all religious or religious interests are equally dangerous and that Christians are just as dangerous as Satan's true tools - radical Islamic fundamentalists. If Satan can get ordinary people who are not believers to morally equivocate Christianity with the radical fundamentalists Muslims, then he has succeeded in half his plan, and he has discredited the only force on earth that understands what the danger (and strategy) truly is. The way to marginalize and discredit true Christianity is to use misguided people who call themselves Christians and get them to do horrific acts under that name, never realizing that they are no where near being actual Christ followers.

What treachery! Indeed, a treachery that will, sadly, succeed in fooling many, many people. Go online and read some of the articles in the New York Times and by Sally Quinn in the Washington Post and you will read people already completely fooled. Not only have we declared and think that God is dead, we've also killed off Satan, demons, and hell, as hardly anyone believes in these realities anymore. Somewhere along the line, we also declared sin as being dead. Instead, sin has become a "disease," or addiction, or society's fault. Anyone that does anything will find some who declare them a victim or something or the other. Casey Anthony even has her supporters...quite a few in fact. There is no personal responsibility and no such thing as sin in the minds of moderns...no God, no Satan, no demonic, no hell, no heaven...no life beyond the natural. But some of us know better.

Yet, hope remains. A glimmer of light shines out in the darkness. The curtain is being pulled back not by Toto, but by the Holy Spirit. The wool is being pulled from over the eyes of at least some of those who are unaware of what is going on behind the scenes of world and even local events. Some are thus beginning to see. We have, as Gandalf said, fallen deeper into shadow. The days grow more evil. Only this is no novel, no movie, no Broadway show or theater production. This is real life. It is time, brave Helios, to mount your steed and take your place in the line of battle. Draw your sword, cross yourself and see the truth for what it is. See...truly open up your eyes and see.

In particular, I possess a grave concern for a woman named June, who has been in contact with me for over a month, from near Oslo, Norway. June recently and bravely decided to become a Christian in her country where that is largely frowned upon and considered to be almost intellectual suicide - to be very much out of vogue. Consider her horror now that this has happened right in her own back yard and having to defend to her family and friends that she has decided to become one of these "Christians." Never mind that this nut who did this is not a true Christian at all but was a tool in the hand of Satan, many will think so much worse of June for her decision to become one of Christ's followers.

Remember the line in the movie The Rite? "He's a deceiver Michael, he's a deceiver." Satan is a master deceiver. Imagine Satan's diabolical attack on June's own mind, perhaps making her doubt her own decision (which was going to prove to be a very difficult and monumental path  to begin with, even before this happened). That is Satan's goal, to make it virtually impossible...or at the least...very, very difficult...for people like June to decide to become Christians and to stay the course. How many would be so brave as to decide to believe and become Christians in a climate such as this, where so-called Christians bomb and slaughter in the name of God? Please remember June and the families of the victims in your prayers, and also pray that this strategy will be exposed and will somehow backfire. Most of all, be aware yourself of what is happening behind the curtain. Don't be duped by the wizard.

Of Determinism, Good & Evil, and Spirit-World Reality

"I believe those miracles and many more will return when we have learned from our mistakes - when we realize that the doubts, the fears, and the insecurities...the envy, the resentment, and the other dark feelings which we humans experience almost everyday and which we take for granted as a normal part of living here on earth, must all be kept under control when we are involved in any form of spiritual work, especially ITC (instrumental transcommunication, such as EVP) research.  It is easy for us to say we are in harmony with others, but our hidden doubts, fears, and insecurities say otherwise.  We have to find those dark feelings inside us and bring them into the light to heal.  After all, we humans are spirit magnets, attracting into our lives spiritual influences that resonate with our attitudes.  If we are in doubt or in fear, we will attract spirits into our lives who stir up our doubts and fears.  If we love and trust the people around us, then we will attract spirits into our lives who will support that love and trust."     - Mark Macy,  author of Miracles in the Storm, and The Project; and is one of the world's top ITC researchers 

I couldn't agree more with Mark.  My take: The world in which we find ourselves, is one of human self-determining freedom.  No Augustinian deterministic fatalism here, the world is far too dynamic than to be set inside of some static, chronological trap that tick-tocks us through the maze, to the edge and off into the abyss.  To be sure, this freedom is set within a struggle of blood, bone and tears, but at the end of the tug-and-be-tugged-at day it is we who determine our own destiny - by our choices, our attitude and our decisions, in spite of the bastards who would "have us their way."  And, the not-so-normal-world flexes and pulses all around us, both influencing and being influenced.  So I ask, which invisible pals do you want to be hanging out with?    - Mike Chapman, Team Leader & Lead Investigator of the Natchez Area Paranormal Society, and a Demonologist; he also holds a Master's in Theology and is an ordained minister. 

Demonology Studies: The Rite - Book & Movie

Last fall I purchased, read and studied (twice) a book that I found to be very helpful in my always continuing demonology studies.  It is entitled The Rite: The Making of a Modern Exorcist, and was written by Matt Baglio. It is a book I recommend to anyone wishing to further their studies in this field. 

Prayer; the spiritual disciplines; scripture memorization; constantly reading and studying the Bible; reading and studying books and articles by exorcists and demonologists; talking and working with leading people in the field such as Keith Johnson and Bishop James Long; and my own field experiences in demonic cases are all a part of what I do to learn and grow, so I can be effective for those who reach out for my help. My team and prayer support group is a constant source of learning for me also, as we sharpen one another as "iron sharpens iron." My main purpose and energy however, is simply to practice my faith and grow stronger the tie that exists between Christ the Lord and myself.  There comes a balance that must be found in this work, between being and doing.  Faith, strong faith, is the key to confronting the evil one.  It is a struggle between good and evil in which knowledge, truth, and power are manifested in many kinds of encounters.  It is truly a humbling, challenging, and utterly exhausting work.  It is mind and soul bending, it is weighty, but yet it is thoroughly rewarding.  It is indeed, a calling.  He bids select ones of us to come take our place in the battle line, this cosmic battle of good and evil.

In The Rite, the book, Baglio accompanied Father Gary Thomas to Rome and had full access to him as Father Gary trained in the rite of exorcism.  Father Jose Antonio Fortea, whose books I also have studied, called The Rite "one of the best books ever written on the topic of exorcism.  I have read very few books that give a description as appropriate, as precise, or as detailed."

Now, The Rite has been made into a movie, starring Academy Award winning actor Sir Anthony Hopkins. The movie takes a bit of artistic license, but in many ways stays true to the book.  It was released early this year, and is set to be released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 17, 2011.   Recently Father Gary Thomas, the priest whose experiences the movie is loosed based upon, commented on the movie.

Photo on Left: The real Father Gary Thomas, who is with Sacred Heart Parish in Saratoga, California.

In an interview with CNA on Jan. 19, Fr. Thomas – who currently serves as pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Saratoga, California –  explained that he served as a consultant for the film,  particularly the scenes featuring exorcisms.  For a week in June last year, he said he was on the movie set working with cast members and producers. The priest added that “to their credit,” the directors and producers wanted the exorcism scenes to be as accurate as possible. “The environment of that movie set was very reverential towards the Church,” Fr. Thomas said. “The producer and the director and the cast whom I worked with at the time were very open.” Fr. Thomas said he recently saw a screening of the film alongside Anthony Hopkins at a New Line Cinema studio in Los Angeles.

In his words, the movie has a “loose” basis in Baglio's book. One discrepancy Fr. Thomas pointed out was that he went to Rome as a 50-year-old seasoned priest with a desire to learn more about the rite of exorcism  – hardly a cynical seminarian in the midst of a faith crisis. Despite the differences, however, he called the film “very good.” “The human side of the priesthood is very well developed,” he said, adding that the portrayal of “the institutional Church comes out very positively.” Fr. Thomas said that given the reality of the subject matter, the experience was very powerful and even frightening for many involved in the movie. He said that Hopkins, a professed Christian, and O'Donoghue – a practicing Catholic who serves as a lector at his parish in Dublin – “very much” believe in the existence of evil and feared possible demonic attacks as a result of working on the film. “The producer and the two key actors all asked me privately if they could be attacked by doing this movie,” he said. “I said, I can't absolutely say yes or no – which lead me to say  'possibly.'”  “I do think that a person can get attacked, and I don't know if they did but they were afraid,” he said. “I just tried to reassure them.”

Fr. Thomas also said that the intensely eery trailers for the film are “deceptive” in the sense that they make it look like a “horror movie,” which he says is inaccurate. “There's some very riveting scenes – I wouldn't say they're scary, but they're a little startling.” Ultimately, however, “this is a movie about faith,” said Fr. Thomas. “People are going to be very surprised.”

It's certainly refreshing in an age where many (most?) Americans have lost their understanding of true evil as personal beings (Satan and fallen angels), to discover that Hopkins and O'Donoghue are traditional Christians.  A great read on that unfortunate reality is Andrew Delbanco's The Death of Satan: How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil.  To see the official trailer of the movie The Rite, click here:  THE RITE:  TRAILER

Saturday, September 10, 2011

N.A.P.S. Performs House Blessing & Clearing in Clinton, MS

Friday evening, N.A.P.S. Investigators from its S.O.R. Unit conducted a home blessing at a residence in Clinton, Mississippi, just outside of Jackson, the State's capitol. The case involved both human spirit activity as well as demonic activity on the level of "Infestation," the second level of six as rated by the Unit. The first level is that of Influence, and is the least serious. Complete Possession is the most serious, and is extremely rare. At the Infestation level, the demonic activity is becoming less covert and beginning to come more out into the open and overt. N.A.P.S. is very much a solution-based team and enters investigations only when it feels like it can help the family or individual resolve their situation. Friday night, team members used a three-part solution consisting of an evidence reveal, including both technical and non-technical evidence; provided detailed counseling and packets of follow-up information and action points; and conducted a Christian house clearing & blessing ritual using scripture, prayers, holy water, and blessed oil during a rite often used to exorcise and bless a dwelling. The S.O.R. Unit, made up of the team's Spiritual and Occult Research members, assessed the evening as being both humbling and successful.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angelology: 9 Choirs of Angels

Due simply to the nature of my undergraduate and master's degrees in biblical literature, theology, and ministry, the odds are that I probably have a better grasp of the biblical (and true) concept of angels than most.  I don't say that to brag, but in fact, to point out that even despite my years of theological and biblical studies, there is much more information about angels to be learned.  Recently I have engaged in a much deeper and more intense study of Angels, which is revealing a lot of very interesting information.  I have added to my resource library of books dealing with the subject of angels, and also taken a closer look at the many scriptural passages regarding them. 

Of course, some of the authors and books on the subject are far better than others.  There is a lot of information and current thought about angels that is absolutely wrong and even ludicrous in some instances.  Furthermore, as a demonologist, I feel strongly that one must become an Angelologist before you can become a true demonologist.  That's simply because demons are fallen angels, who retain much of their power and ability, as well as rank structure and hierarchy.  One must be steadfast in regarding information and facts which can be tied to scripture, directly or indirectly, as more authoritative.  There is plenty that has been written about angels that is absolutely incorrect.  In "googling" angel and looking at the images, almost none of them depict anything close to what the real thing would be like.  Angels are not fat little toddlers, nor are they female.  They do however, have wings.  One of the more interesting aspects of angels, to me, is their rank structure - known as "Choirs" - of which there are nine.  These nine choirs are further subdivided into three hierarchies, or triads. 

The first triad are those choirs of angels that surround and occupy the throne room of God.  Their work is mostly to worship and serve the throne of the Lord Himself.  The second triad consists of those choirs which seem to be a go-between, mediating between the choirs of angels that deal most closely with humans (the third triad) and the heavenly realm.  They also seem to be those angels that deal with world structure, systems, character and virtue.  Finally, the third triad are those choirs which deal most closely with humans and contact with humans.  Below is the listing of the nine choirs.  In the future I will post more information about the realm of each hierarchy, or triad, and also the basic characteristics and work of each individual choir.

First Triad or Hierarchy:
1. Seraphim
2. Cherubim
3. Thrones

Second Triad or Hierarchy:
4. Dominions (or Dominations)
5. Virtues
6. Powers

Third Triad or Hierarchy:
7. Principalities
8. Archangels
9. Angels

As most people know, angel is translated literally from the original Greek of the New Testament as "messenger."  Most scholars, as well as the early Church Fathers, believe strongly that each of us has a guardian angel.  Humans can never become angels, as is popularly believed.  They are an entire other race of creature created by God.  Angels don't ever become human, humans never become angels.  Of the first two choirs - seraphim and cherubim - the "im" ending is the plural form.  So, it is incorrect to say "Seraphs" and "Cherubs."  Rather, they are seraphim and cherubim.  A single angel of these two choirs would be a seraph and cherub, respectively.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A "Masculine" Handmade Rosary by Trendy Traditions

The Rosary

Photo at Left:  My new prized Rosary that I received handmade from Florida from Melanie (the Rosary Chick) at Trendy Traditions.  Thanks again Melanie - your work is amazing! It is specifically masculine in nature, and was personalized for my work against demonic presences in paranormal activity investigations. I love the large crucifix, and the color of the oversized beads. The Medalions and Crucifix were made in Italy.

It has a special additional medalion of St. Michael the Archangel on it, and the words at the top of the necklace (in the photo it shows "Father") on mine is "Ranger"  depicting my work as similar to Stryder in Lord of the Rings as a Ranger who protects the Shire and is a guide to Frodo the Ringbearer.

I can't say I pray the complete Rosary every day, but I try to.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Face of Evil. The Cosmic War of Good versus Evil is Real

Evil is real.  Evil is driven by personal beings called demons.  They are led in their dark kingdom by Satan, a fallen angel.  They rebelled in heaven against God and were thrown down.  Get that - understand it fully - and live your life as if you get it.

The photo at left is not a fake, it was taken by a German journalist Michael Mannheimer, known as the bravest man to stand up to Islam.  Some of Michael Mannheimer's books can be found in stores and on the Internet, though most are in German.  He speaks out a lot about the takeover of Europe by Islamists, and paints the picture accurately, without all of the political correctness that tries to ignore the reality of what is coming (and what is obviously already here).  He has taken many photos like this at scenes of crimes against Christians.  In the second photo below - notice that the hands have been severed.  Go ahead, right click on the photos and download them to your photo editor for a close-up.  You need to see the reality of demonic evil.  That is what we all face with demonic evil, and with radical Islam (one of their strategies) if we don't all wake up.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy..."  - John 10:10

Many in the West, materialists and scientific-minded purists, deny the spiritual world exists.  Some who even call themselves Christians deny that Satan exists.  They are deceived.  Many other Christians would say they believe in the afterlife, and even believe in Satan, but they live like they don't, and go about their merry way totally oblivious to the carnage and spiritual warfare that occurs everyday all around them.  With all three groups above, Satan and his demonic kingdom has succeeded.  They are oblivious to the threat, and often actually blame bad things happening to them - on God!  I'm sure the demons really love that one.  They perpetrate evil and bad things upon humans - through and by using humans whom they influence greatly; they have convinced many humans they don't exist; and so God gets blamed and many lose what little faith they have and drop out of church because they are angry at God for the bad thing that happened.  Do you see the blindness we often have to what is really happening behind the scenes?

I personally believe that the spiritual world and the material world overlap - almost entirely.  What happens in that realm has huge consequences is this realm, and we in the physical-material realm also can affect the spiritual world.  I have no doubt in my mind that Satan is real and is very active today.  I also have no doubt in my mind that what was done by humans to these women - because they were Christians - had demonic entities directly behind it tempting, driving, urging on just what was done to them.  There is a cosmic war of good and evil going on in the universe, and it is being played out in part, right here on earth as well.  I believe that the worldwide radical Islamist movement is merely one current strategy of Satan in this war, and is part of the cosmic war being played out like moving rooks and pawns on a chess set. 

Please: wake up!

"Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring—those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus."  -Revelation 12:17

Friday, February 18, 2011

St. Michael the Archangel Prayer (Latin & English)

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Diagnose Whether Paranormal Activity Is Demonic

The intent of this post is to give you a very comprehensive list of things to check for if you suspect demonic attachment, influence, oppression or control on some level.

Last updated: October 31, 2011

Please be aware that any one of these things by themselves is not a sure sign, but just things to be on the lookout for, and to first check physiological, psychological, and environmental causes before you leap to a demonic causation. At the same time, don't be naive either. Sometimes BOTH can be present, and often are, such as severe demonic oppression can be accompanied by psychological disorders. I will add to this list as I expand it, both by my experience and the experience of others.

Below is a list of phenomena that I use to help me determine whether a case is caused by inhuman, demonic entities.  Some of these, taken individually, would not cause me to make a definitive determination immediately - such as paralysis, foul odors or shadow figures.  However, other single phenomena would - such as major levitation or clear, unequivocal Xenoglossy. Naturally, several of these together make for a much stronger likelihood of it being an authentic demonic case.  Be acutely aware of possible mental illness, but frankly, as Father Gabriel Amorth says, "Some symptoms, however, are so inconsistent with known illnesses that they point with certainty to their evil origins."  This is something no amateur should go into alone, in trying to diagnose.  I wish I had this list when I first started.  Hopefully, you will find it helpful:

The Big Three (according to the Roman Catholic Church):
Abnormal Strength
Ability to speak or understand a previously unknown language
Knowledge of hidden things (with no way to have known them)

Other Important Factors to be considered:
Knocks or Rapping in 3's or multiples of 3's
Foul Odors (especially sulfur like smells)
Phantomania (paralysis) - be careful this isn't sleep paralysis but paralysis caused by demons
Levitation of people or objects (especially heavier objects)
Vomiting of objects such as glass or nails, even small animals such as a frog
Spontaneous combustion
Counterclockwise motion or rotation
Activity regularly happening around 3:00AM
Dark shadow men or figures (these can be human spirit activity - so don't judge too quickly)
Desecration of crosses, crucifixes or other Christian symbols & objects
Scratching, claw marks or biting (especially scratches in threes)
Violent Attack: Shoving, Pushing & Hitting
Intense Sensation of Evil (especially by people with gift of discernment) 
Extreme Sense of Evil & Fear (especially by several people independently)
Apparitions of Evil Entities
Assault Sexually by an unseen force

Growling, Hissing & Other Threatening Sounds
History of occult involvement, Ouija, tarot cards, seances, Wicca, witchcraft, spells, psychics, mediums, palm readers, etc
Knowledge of a curse

Involvement with Hoodoo, Voodoo, Sanetria, Palo, etc.

Added Summer of 2011:
The inability to pray or recite a rosary
The inability to take Holy Communion (the Eucharist)
The inability to go to Mass or to Church worship servicesIt is also very important to note also, just because a person can do some of the things listed above that it does not mean the absence of a demonic influence either.  For example, sometimes strong demons can allow a person to take Holy Communion, pray or say the Name of Christ.  It is the sustained "assault" on the demon of such things that eventually will wear it down and the demon will manifest - like a boxer tiring in the late rounds of a fight.
Knowledge of supernatural
Going about naked
Unable to hear, speak
Use of “different” type of voice
Presence of distinct personalities      
Bizarre behavior
Fierce, violent behavior
Unusual behavior/attitudes (e.g., vicious toward self)
Feeling of overpowering evil
Self-report of demonic influence

Added 10/31/2011 based upon recent cases and experiences:
Syncretism (mixing in with Christianity outside beliefs and practices)
Consorting with syncretic or wholly other practitioners for demonology solutions for advice and solutions
Depression (severe, ongoing)
Obstinacy, refusal to follow advice or do what you are asking them to do which are entirely reasonable
Hopelessness or fatalism
Reclusiveness or extreme isolation
No local Church home or membership, or extreme aversion to organized religion
No local pastor, priest, or clergy to turn to
No accountability
No regular reception of sacraments such as the Eucharist, no baptism, etc.
No regular reception of sacramentals such as Holy Water, rosary, prayers, creeds, crucifixes, scapulars, etc.
Poor or non-existent prayer life
Poor or non-existent scriptural reading/study
No devotional life
No social life, friends, family, etc.
Extreme obsession with paranormal activities and interests to the exclusion of other endeavors & interests; obsessed with the paranormal or aspects of it

Other Evidence or Manifestations to Consider:
Other things to consider and pay close attention to are things such as:

Aversion to Christian religious objects, such as cringing in the sight of a Crucifix

The inability to say prayers or say the name "Jesus" or "Jesus Christ" or to praise God

The inability to go to Church or be around a priest, clergy, or a very righteous person

Strange bizarre behavior of animals or children that seem to be reacting to evil

External physical pain that is caused by Satan

Involuntary action and words (especially very foul and vile language)

Seizures (again, must be extremely careful to eliminate physiological and psychological causes first by examination by professionals)

Consistent health, job, relationship problems that seem extraordinarily unusual

Consistent diabolical dreams

Obsessive thoughts and/or habits

Attempts at suicide, thoughts of suicide that seem to come from nowhere

Fascination with the occult and/or occult practices

Note: The pentacle shown above (with the pentagram turned upside down - a classic symbol of satanic worship) is not something we normally post.  It is a powerful symbol of evil and capable of drawing evil entities to it (the Law of Recognition).  We show it only as an educational aid and tool.  We show it here because we feel strongly that such symbols should be known to the discerning Christian so he or she can recognize it when they see it. The symbol used in the illustration has been prayed over and annulled (sealed) in the Name of Jesus Christ so that no demonic, evil spirit(s) will be drawn to it or this post and those reading it. Exploring and studying such topics and symbols should be taken seriously, and done prayerfully and responsibly.